Friday, July 1, 2011


Today I was watching a bunch of TV shows about ancient civilizations. Then I was inspired to do a really quick pastel drawing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kitchen Table Project

Building a kitchen table turned out to be a little more work than i thought but it's almost done! Actually, it ended up costing a little more than i thought it would. Here are some pictures. The first is the assembled table but still unfinished wood. The table top is made up of two planks of aspen glued together(and screwed together from the bottom). The apron is also aspen. The legs are 30" four-by-fours. In picture two you can see the first coat of stain has just gone on. I chose antique walnut for this table. I took the third photo right after applying the second coat of stain. The color is becoming nice and deep. Very natural looking!

Tomorrow i hope to sand it a little bit and put on a coat of polyurethane. I hope to do at least two coats of the poly. So this puppy should be done by the end of the week!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tra la la la la!

Here's a couple more characters from the sketchbook.

The old feller on the left is sort of a rip off of a character from a Fleischer cartoon.

The guy on the right is an urban rail conductor.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Block Sketch

Here's a drawing from the old sketcharoo book. I really like wet streets at night from old movies. If you look close you can see the House of Horrors (the middle building).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Finally, Some Grainy Drawings

So I thought I might finally post something. For a while the pictures are going to look grainy and weird because we don't have a scanner. These were taken from my sketchbook with a digital camera and fixed up as best I could in Picasa.
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Friday, February 6, 2009


Hello! Welcome to my new blog! This blog will be devoted to my drawings and sketches and anything else that has to do with my obsession with the periods of American history between the Civil War and the Great Depression. Industrialization and Urbanization. The Gilded age, the age of innocence, and the Roaring 20s. I could go on and on but instead i will just start working on the cartoons. Nuff said!